1962, Stevenage, United Kingdom), Ryan Gander (b. 1969, Bloomington, Indiana), Tim Etchells (b. 1961, New York, New York), Derek Beaulieu (b. 1966, Liverpool, United Kingdom), Erica Baum (b. 1935, Quincy, Massachusetts), Fiona Banner (b. Postscript was the first exhibition to examine the work of conceptual writing, investigating the roots of the movement in the art of the 1960s and 70s and presenting contemporary examples of text-based art practices.Īrtists and writers featured in the exhibition include: Marcel Broodthaers (1924-1976), Sol LeWitt (b. Postscript explored the field of literature known as “conceptual writing,” contrasting it directly to the field of contemporary art, and therefore offering new insights into the meaning of both literature and art. The exhibition included paintings, sculpture, installation, video, and works on paper from the 1960s to the present that raise questions about how we read, look at, hear, and process language today.
Postscript: Writing After Conceptual Art featured the work of over fifty artists and writers exploring the artistic possibilities of language.