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Graduating from Antioch University Seattle's Masters in Psychology/Art Therapy program (2006), he interned at Seattle Counseling Service (LGBTQ), worked as art therapist and mental health clinician at Community Psychiatric Clinic and Michael’s House Dual-Diagnosis Treatment Center, facilitated creative recovery & visual journaling workshops in Miami, San Jose, San Diego, Palm Springs, and Seattle, and volunteered with homeless and LGBT youth in Seattle. He enjoys his own artmaking through collage, mixed media, oil pastels, and visual journaling. Bryce has remained active in giving back to the recovery community for over 22 years, sober since 9/24/99. He has worked with most populations but specializes in LGBTQ, at-risk adolescents, addiction recovery, and identity empowerment. Bryce is passionate about utilizing the creative process to facilitate personal growth, transformation, healing and connection through artmaking. He leads art therapy groups and facilitates creativity workshops in community. He launched his own creativity/ design consulting practice “EmpowerART Studio” and offers Per Diem Art Therapy at a local physical rehabilitation hospital. Registered Art Therapist from Seattle, WA currently living in Palm Springs, CA.

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